How to eat to have fresh breath

Drink enough water to balance beneficial bacteria in the mouth, eat foods rich in vitamin C to reduce bad bacteria, prevent gum disease for pleasant breath.

Drink enough water

Drinking enough water helps wash away food particles, helping to eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath. Drinking too little water causes the mouth to dry out, reducing saliva production, creating conditions for bacteria to grow.

Dehydration causes fatigue and increases the risk of diseases related to aging, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, memory loss, kidney disease, etc. The amount of water the body needs depends on weight, environmental temperature, and physical activity. On average, each person needs to drink about two liters of water per day, equivalent to 8-12 glasses of water.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Bad breath can be caused by many factors such as eating habits, improper oral hygiene or illness. Supplementing foods containing vitamin C such as citrus fruits, watermelon… helps reduce bad bacteria, prevent gingivitis for pleasant breath.

Cherries help eliminate the smell of methyl mercaptan, a gas that causes bad breath and is naturally found in foods like onions. Eating broccoli also makes it harder for bad breath bacteria to survive. Eating red bell peppers raw is more effective at fighting bad breath than cooking.

Cucumbers contain a lot of water, stimulating saliva secretion to clean the mouth, removing food debris that causes bad breath. If you are lazy to eat, you can use juice from fruits and vegetables. Drinking a glass of pineapple or orange juice after each meal can overcome bad breath caused by food. You should drink pure juice, without sugar.

Limit onions and garlic

Garlic is a popular spice that makes food more delicious. Many people have long used garlic to relieve flu symptoms. Chronic inflammation can harm the immune system by reducing the number of white blood cells. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, improving immune function. However, garlic has a spicy, pungent, warm taste and contains compounds that create a characteristic flavor that cause bad breath many hours after eating.

To reduce bad breath, everyone should brush their teeth after eating and use dental floss to remove food debris. Bacteria that accumulate between teeth and on the surface of the tongue also lead to unpleasant odors. Use a tongue scraper to gently clean. Chewing sugar-free gum or mints after eating can reduce unpleasant odors from strong-smelling foods and drinks. They stimulate saliva production, cleaning the mouth.

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