How to detect stomach cancer early?

Stomach cancer is divided into 5 stages including 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to the AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) system. The higher the stage number, the more extensive the cancer’s invasion and metastasis.

Stage 0 stomach cancer (early stage) is a condition in which malignant cells only appear on the surface of the stomach lining and have not invaded the submucosa. Stage 0 cancer is also used to refer to a high-grade dysplasia of stomach cells (high risk of cancer). Dysplasia is a condition in which tissues and cells develop abnormally due to mutations in DNA. Mutants can be radiation, cigarette smoke, polluted environments, etc.

Most people with stomach cancer are not genetically predisposed but are related to Helicobacter pylori bacteria or an unhealthy diet (high in sugar, salt, fast food…).

Doctor Tran Vuong Thao Nghi, Head of Oncology Department, Tam Anh General Hospital, consults a patient. Photo: Hospital provided

Stage 0 stomach cancer usually has a good prognosis and a high chance of being cured. Because at this time the amount of cancer cells is still small, the doctor will perform endoscopic surgery to remove a small part of the stomach. However, in the early stages, patients often have no symptoms, making it difficult to detect. Most patients are diagnosed during cancer screening or accidentally discovered when examining other diseases.

Stomach cancer is often detected through a gastroscopy. The doctor inserts an endoscope with a tiny camera through the nose and mouth, then probes the inside of the stomach. The camera records lesions (if any) inside the stomach. If abnormalities are detected, the doctor biopsies the lesion to determine whether it is cancerous or not.

Surgery is the main treatment to completely remove cancerous lesions in the stomach. For stage 0 cancer, the patient undergoes laparoscopic surgery to remove a small part of the stomach to remove and prevent the cancer from spreading. The area of ​​the stomach that needs to be removed is usually very small, almost not affecting the stomach function and health of the patient. In addition to surgery, the doctor may prescribe other supportive treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy if necessary, depending on each patient. These methods help prevent cancer recurrence and reduce the risk of metastasis.

Stage 0 stomach cancer has a good prognosis and a high chance of recovery. You should see a doctor early for an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.

Everyone should live a healthy life, eat a balanced diet, have regular health check-ups and cancer screenings to help detect the disease at an early stage, thereby improving treatment effectiveness.

By Editor

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