7 Teas That Help Reduce Bloating

Ginger tea, green tea, chamomile tea, and perilla tea contain plant compounds that help relax the intestines, promote food digestion, and reduce bloating and belching.

Bloating is a feeling of fullness or abdominal discomfort caused by too much gas or fluid in the digestive system. Diet can affect bloating. Teas are high in antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can improve digestion and bloating.

Ginger tea It has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help food move through the intestines more easily, reducing discomfort. It also contains gingerol, which helps improve bloating and nausea. Ginger tea soothes digestive tract damage, prevents stomach pain, and increases intestinal motility.

Peppermint tea Contains flavonoid plant compounds that can inhibit the activity of mast cells – immune cells that cause bloating and flatulence. These compounds also have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to prevent intestinal mucosal inflammation and relieve indigestion symptoms. Drinking peppermint tea helps reduce intestinal spasms, relaxes the digestive system, thereby reducing bloating and belching.

Lemon tea. Lemons contain a lot of citric acid, which stimulates the production of stomach acid, supporting the digestion of food more effectively. This helps reduce the stagnation of food in the intestines, causing bloating. Drinking warm lemon tea soothes the digestive system, limiting intestinal spasms, bloating and discomfort.

Green tea Provides catechins and polyphenols with anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking green tea stimulates gastric juices, enhancing the digestion process. It also has the ability to balance intestinal microflora, increase beneficial bacteria, inhibit harmful bacteria, reduce symptoms of bloating and indigestion.

Chamomile tea Contains anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe the digestive system. Chamomile extract relaxes smooth muscles in the intestines, limits spasms, and aids in the digestion of food.

Perilla tea Helps warm the stomach, increase blood circulation, and support better digestion. The plant compounds in perilla also soothe smooth muscles, reduce spasms and gas in the intestines, and limit bloating. This tea also has anti-inflammatory properties and kills harmful bacteria in the digestive tract.

Black tea Contains thearubigin compound that improves indigestion, theaflavin acts as an antioxidant, preventing stomach ulcers. Drinking black tea also helps improve digestion.

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