A stroke is a serious medical emergency that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. This can lead to severe brain damage that requires immediate treatment.

To prevent stroke, you should eat and live scientifically, spend time exercising, playing sports, and relaxing. Among sports, walking is a simple but highly effective activity, contributing to reducing the risk of stroke. When you walk, the blood circulation system is improved, blood flow to the brain is smooth, avoiding the risk of blood clots – the main cause of stroke.

High blood pressure increases the pressure on the walls of blood vessels, especially in the brain, which can cause blood vessels to burst or form blood clots, leading to stroke. Regular walking also helps control blood pressure.

This gentle exercise also helps maintain a healthy weight and improves cholesterol levels. People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Both are closely linked to the risk of stroke. Walking daily also helps prevent the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This activity can also increase good cholesterol (HDL), reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), and improve the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

For best results, you should walk at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can start at a slow pace and gradually increase it if you feel comfortable. Walk in the morning or evening, when the air is fresh and the temperature is pleasant to avoid affecting your health. If possible, you should combine walking with other physical activities such as swimming, yoga, and aerobics to improve overall health.

In addition to exercise, you should apply a diet full of essential nutrients including starch, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. Avoid foods high in fat, stimulants, soft drinks and foods that are too salty. Supplement vegetables and fruits, natural nutrients from blueberries, ginkgo biloba. These essences can help increase blood flow to the brain, contributing to preventing cerebrovascular diseases, reducing the risk of stroke.

You should have a general health check-up and regular stroke screening. Through specialized tests and scans such as blood tests, echocardiograms, 3 Tesla MRI scans or 768, 1975-slice CT scans, doctors can detect abnormalities or related diseases that can cause strokes. From there, doctors can intervene early to prevent the patient.

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