How to eat rice without gaining weight

Controlling your portion sizes or combining white rice with protein-rich, fiber-rich foods like vegetables, chicken, and beans may not cause weight gain.

White rice is high in calories and carbohydrates (carbs), with one cup containing about 53.4 grams of carbs. White rice is often on the list of foods to cut down on when trying to lose weight. Dieters can limit white rice and switch to lower-calorie foods to control their weight.

People with diabetes or insulin resistance sometimes need to cut back on white rice because it can easily increase blood sugar levels. However, if you know how to balance your daily carb intake and control your portion sizes, you can still eat rice without worrying about gaining weight.

Choose brown rice instead of white rice

The process of milling white rice accidentally removes the germ and bran layers on the outside – which contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Brown rice is different, it still retains these nutrients, and is also rich in antioxidants and iron. Choosing red or black rice instead of white rice both bring weight loss benefits.

Portion control

Controlling the amount of calories and starch intake is one of the effective ways to lose weight. People who want to stay in shape can eat about half to a bowl of rice per day.

Eat lots of vegetables and protein with rice.

Add more vegetables such as carrots, peas, and green beans to your meals to reduce the amount of rice you eat and feel full faster. Some protein sources such as chicken and white tofu are also beneficial. They help balance your meals and provide energy to maintain daily activities.

Choose healthy cooking methods

How you cook rice also affects your weight loss results. Steamed or steamed rice is healthier than fried rice, avoiding added fat and calories. If you choose to fry rice, use minimal oil or choose a healthy variety such as olive or canola oil.

Combine with fiber-rich foods

Eating rice with high-fiber dishes such as salads and steamed vegetables helps control weight. Fiber aids digestion, increases the feeling of fullness, and limits snacking. As a result, people who want to lose weight also limit their daily calorie and starch intake.

Combine mixed grains

Mixing rice with other grains such as quinoa or barley adds nutritional value and variety to your meal. Quinoa not only aids in weight loss but also regulates blood sugar levels and promotes heart health.

Eat on time

Eating rice earlier in the day may be beneficial. This is when the carbs consumed are more likely to be converted into energy rather than stored as fat. The best time to eat rice is at lunchtime because it allows for better calorie management than eating rice late at night. However, this may vary depending on your metabolism and activity level.

Adjust your physical activity level

The amount of rice you eat also depends on your level of physical activity. People with higher activity levels may need more carbs to provide energy. Eat more protein-rich foods like fish, chicken, and beans to help with muscle recovery. People who are less active need to reduce carbs from white rice and increase protein intake to manage total calories.

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