7 foods that help detoxify the liver naturally

Cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, beets, citrus fruits, asparagus, apples and walnuts are all natural liver detoxifying foods.

Information recommended to the community by the Food Safety Department (Ministry of Health).

The liver plays an important role in the body, such as breaking down nutrients and converting them into energy for the body to use. The liver also acts as the body’s main detoxification system.

Liver detoxification, also known as liver detoxification, is the process of removing toxins and waste from this organ. People should adopt a diet with smart food choices to support the liver’s natural detoxification function.

Some essential elements of the detoxification process include drinking plenty of water, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods, and reducing alcohol consumption.

You can try using some natural fruits and vegetables that support natural liver detoxification such as:

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower are high in fiber and contain many beneficial plant compounds. These include antioxidants, which increase levels of detoxifying enzymes, thereby supporting liver function.

Animal studies show that cruciferous vegetables also help prevent the development of fatty liver disease.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is known to bind to toxins, so eating green vegetables also helps reduce the toxic load on the body and supports the liver.

Green leafy vegetables are one of the foods that have the ability to detoxify the liver well. If grown safely, these vegetables can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced.

Other ways to enjoy leafy greens include steaming, boiling, and in salads. They are also popular when sautéed with a little olive oil and garlic.

Sugar beet

Beets are rich in natural pigments called betalains. These powerful antioxidants in beets help regulate the body’s inflammatory response and aid in liver cell repair.

Studies in mice have shown that beetroot juice can help liver cells remove toxins from the body more effectively.


Walnuts are not only a great source of fatty acids, but they are also rich in antioxidants and have been shown to be beneficial for people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This is because walnuts can reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in liver tissues.

Walnuts. Photo: May Cat

Citrus fruit

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, and grapefruits contain a chemical compound called D-limonene. This compound helps reverse some of the liver damage caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

D-limonene intake can be increased by adding citrus flavors to recipes such as salad dressings with citrus dressing, or by adding savory dishes such as duck with orange sauce, salmon with lemon sauce…

Citrus fruits are also rich in powerful and beneficial antioxidants that are good for the liver, such as vitamin C, naringenin and naringin. These substances help reduce inflammation and protect liver cells from damage.


Among fruits and vegetables, asparagus is one of the best sources of the antioxidant glutathione. Research shows that glutathione is beneficial in the treatment of chronic fatty liver disease.

Although in the study it was administered intravenously at high doses under medical supervision rather than orally, asparagus is still a good choice to support liver function and increase the ability to break down toxins.


Animal studies have shown that polyphenols (antioxidants) in apples can help reduce fat accumulation in liver tissue, protecting the organ.

Although there is not much medical evidence to support this, apples contain malic acid. This is believed to help open up the ducts in the liver, allowing toxins in the liver to be “flushed” more easily.

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