100g of grapes can contain 17-23g of sugar, glycemic index (GI) 45-59, glycemic load (GL) 5.4-11, belonging to the group of foods with low to medium GI and GL. However, each grape variety, ripeness level, soil conditions, climate, growing process, post-harvest preservation technology makes the sugar content in grapes different. This also makes the GI and GL index in each type of grape different.

People with diabetes like you can eat grapes, but need to limit the amount so that the total glycemic load (GL) does not exceed 20. If grapes are the only food containing carbohydrates in a day, you can eat a maximum of 180-370 g at a time, depending on the GI and GL of each type. In case you eat grapes with other foods containing carbohydrates or eat grapes as a snack, you can eat a maximum of 4 grapes at a time.

Each patient has a different constitution, absorption level, blood sugar status and underlying disease. To ensure your health, you should consult an endocrinologist – diabetes specialist or nutritionist when adding this food to your diet.

Eating grapes in moderation is beneficial for diabetics. This fruit provides many beneficial antioxidant compounds, which can slow the progression of the disease and help prevent complications early.

Anthocyanins in grapes have the ability to activate AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) metabolism in cells. When AMPK is activated, it promotes cells to increase glucose absorption from the circulatory system. This helps improve the level of cell response to insulin – a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar, helping to slow the progression of type 2 diabetes.

Grapes contain a lot of resveratrol, which can improve blood vessel function by stimulating endothelial cells to increase the synthesis of NO – a substance that dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. As a result, people with diabetes can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Patients who eat too many grapes or exceed the safe limit can cause high blood sugar after eating, risk of complications, increase the risk of digestive disorders, with typical symptoms such as diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain. Resveratrol in grapes can reduce the effect of anticoagulants. Grapes contain a lot of acid and fiber that exists in the form of vitamins and antioxidants.

To control diabetes, you need to take prescribed medication, return for follow-up visits as scheduled by your doctor, and regularly control your blood sugar. Drink enough 1.5-2 liters of water per day, follow a diet, and control your weight appropriately.

Supplementing natural essences such as GDL-5 (extracted from South American sugarcane pollen) helps reduce total cholesterol levels, limiting the risk of atherosclerosis. Thereby, patients reduce the risk of complications caused by diabetes.

You should go for a nutrition check-up, you can measure your body composition with the InBody 770 machine, and do a specialized micronutrient test with the UPLC high-performance liquid chromatography machine to know what nutrients your body is lacking or having in excess. The doctor will advise you on a suitable diet, contributing to good management of blood sugar and weight.

By Editor

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