It is a seemingly innocent bacterium that usually causes throat infections, but changes its skin when it attacks wounds or pregnant women and becomes deadly. Last Saturday night, a mother died as a result of bacterial infection, and here is everything you need to know about it and its dangers.

What happened in the case of the mother?

This is a 35-year-old woman whose condition worsened a week after her seventh birth. Last Saturday night, the MDA team was called to her home after she lost consciousness. The Magen David Adom team found her unconscious, without breathing and without a pulse, started prolonged CPR and evacuated her while doing their best to the emergency room of the Ichilov Hospital, where the medical team continued to fight for her life.

At some point she was transferred to the operating room, but died there. According to estimates, the woman was infected with a predatory bacteria called streptococcus. The hospital believes that the infection occurred in the community.

What is the streptococcus bacteria?

This is a common bacteria found in its non-violent form in many people’s throats and may cause tonsillitis characterized by enlarged tonsils, redness and the appearance of white spots on the tonsils or pharynx (discharges). The bacterium may also be found on the skin and cause inflammation.

The streptococcus A bacteria is relatively easily transmitted between humans, through contact with saliva secretions. In some cases, it becomes a “predatory bacterium.” In its violent form, it causes severe tissue infection, muscle necrosis and even multi-system damage to healthy kidneys and heart and even death.

How does the bacterium harm pregnant or postpartum women?

The state of pregnancy and childbirth are considered to be immunodeficient in the woman who is at increased risk of having serious infections, even with relatively mild infections. In postpartum women, the bacterium may cause significant complications when it enters the bloodstream or other organs. The most common infection after childbirth is endometritis – a vaginal infection characterized by fever, abdominal and lower pain, foul-smelling discharge from the vagina and sensitivity in the uterus. This infection may spread to other organs and cause more serious complications.

The bacterium may also cause an infection in a caesarean section wound or penetrate the breast through cracked nipples. In severe cases, the infection spreads to the bloodstream and causes sepsis – sepsis – a life-threatening condition that increases the risk of rapid death. Another rare but fatal complication caused by toxins produced by the bacterium causes toxic shock syndrome characterized by a sudden drop in blood pressure, system collapse and rapid death.

Changes his skin in contact with wounds. The streptococcus bacterium (Photo: Ingimage)

How can you prevent infection with streptococcus A?

As with other infections, frequent and thorough hand washing, especially after contact with secretions from the nose or throat will reduce the risk of infection, along with covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and avoiding close contact with sick people. In the event that there are wounds or cuts in the skin, or after surgery, care must be taken to properly treat and prevent infection of the wound or surgical incision.

Are there tests for streptococcus A during pregnancy?

Screening tests for streptococcus A are not usually performed during pregnancy. However, if you have symptoms of an infection or certain risk factors, your doctor may recommend testing.

What is the treatment for streptococcus A?

The main treatment is antibiotics. It is important to complete the entire course of antibiotic treatment, even if the symptoms disappear before then, to prevent the recurrence of the infection and the development of complications.

Is there a vaccine against streptococcus A?

Currently, there is no vaccine available against Streptococcus A.

What should I do if I think I contracted streptococcus A during pregnancy or after giving birth?

If you develop symptoms of infection, such as fever, sore throat, rash, or skin sores, see your doctor right away. Early detection and treatment are essential to prevent complications.

Can Strep A affect my baby?

Yes, if you carry the bacteria during birth, it may pass to the baby and cause serious infections. Therefore, it is important to inform the medical staff if you have symptoms of infection or if you know you are carrying the bacteria.

Can I breastfeed if I have a strep A infection?

In most cases, you can continue to breastfeed even if you have a strep A infection. However, it is important to consult your doctor for specific instructions.

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