Does eating cold rice help you lose weight?

Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that is not digested in the small intestine and acts like fiber. This type of starch provides fewer calories than regular starch. In addition, the higher content of resistant starch in cold rice helps keep you full longer, digests slowly, and reduces cravings.

However, the idea that eating cold rice helps you lose weight quickly is not entirely true, because cold rice contains a lot of starch, eating a lot can still cause weight gain. This food also has many potential risks of bacterial contamination due to being left at outside temperatures, increasing the risk of poisoning and digestive disorders. Cold rice reheated many times also reduces the quality and does not ensure nutrition.

Cold rice is essentially starch, eating a lot will still cause weight gain. Photo: Huong Thuy

Therefore, people should be careful, do not abuse or replace hot rice with cold rice. If you see signs of spoilage, you should discard the rice. To ensure adequate nutrition, you should eat it with other dishes such as vegetables, meat…

In addition, you should make a habit of cooking just enough for each meal, avoiding wasting too much leftover rice. Cold rice can be stored in the refrigerator but should not be stored for too long.

If you want to lose weight, you should combine a nutritious diet with exercise, rest, and proper relaxation instead of forcing yourself to fast or taking drugs of unknown origin.

By Editor

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