Tips to reduce fatigue caused by cancer chemotherapy

Light exercise, socializing with friends, drinking enough water, and eating iron-rich foods can help people undergoing chemotherapy feel more comfortable and increase their resistance.

Cancer treatment causes patients to lose strength and become tired both physically and mentally. In addition to talking to their doctor, patients can follow some of the tips below to reduce fatigue and increase treatment effectiveness.


Patients may experience loss of energy and muscle fatigue due to treatment. Exercise can increase energy. Patients should choose gentle exercises such as walking, cycling, yoga or their favorite sport. The length of exercise depends on their health condition, but try to last 10-15 minutes and maintain it regularly.

Relax your mind

Mindfulness exercises such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong can help reduce fatigue in cancer patients. Patients can also read books, listen to music, and share their worries with friends to relieve their emotions. Joining a support group to learn from other patients’ experiences in reducing fatigue and exhaustion is also an effective way to relax.

Work lightly

Cancer patients should avoid overwork and heavy labor. Identify the tasks that need to be done each day and arrange them scientifically to ensure enough rest time. You can help your family clean, sweep the house, wash dishes, and avoid sitting or lying in one place for too long, which can make fatigue worse.

Good night

A good night’s sleep helps patients feel more refreshed. To sleep well, you should avoid electronic devices before going to bed, clean and adjust the room to be warm enough, and avoid noise. Limit naps to no more than one hour. Avoid using stimulants containing caffeine in the evening.

Drink enough water

Dehydration can cause fatigue, tremors, and anxiety. People undergoing cancer treatment should carry a bottle of water with them and sip frequently. Replace plain water with other drinks such as lemon, orange, or coconut, soups, ice cream, and smoothies to add flavor and reduce boredom.

Snacks during the day

Cancer patients need calories to maintain strength and increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment. If you do not feel hungry, try eating 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals. Choose foods rich in protein and fiber, and limit processed meats that are high in salt and sugar.

Prioritize iron-rich foods

The body needs iron to make red blood cells, which help carry oxygen throughout the body and provide energy. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which can make fatigue worse. People with anemia should increase iron-rich foods such as spinach, lentils, beans, whole grains and red meat in their diet. Adding foods rich in vitamin C such as strawberries and citrus fruits helps promote iron absorption.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron. Photo: Mr. Chi

Cut down on sugar

Sugary foods provide a quick energy boost but are quickly lost. They also cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, causing fatigue, shortness of breath, and high or low blood pressure. To keep blood sugar levels stable, people undergoing chemotherapy should eat a variety of foods, including a balance of protein, fat, and fiber.


Friends and relatives can confide and talk with the patient to understand and know what support is needed. The interaction process helps the patient improve their mood and spirit better during treatment.

Cancer patients should not stay indoors all day, instead they should go out regularly, take walks, bask in the morning sun, and hang out with friends. Thanks to that, patients feel more alert and mentally refreshed.

By Editor

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