Can being busy and lacking sleep help you lose weight?

Many people are too busy with work, even sleeping only 3-4 hours a day, but can still lose weight effectively if they know how to apply the right method. First of all, you need to set a goal to ensure that you do not make your existing health problems worse, then apply some healthy eating tips, such as:

You should eat at the same time to avoid disrupting your biological rhythm. Add some convenient supplements such as: vegetable protein powder, vegetable powder, psyllium husk, chia seeds… in case you are too busy, forget to eat or don’t have time to cook. This also prevents fasting, the risk of stomach pain, hypoglycemia, lack of fiber, micronutrients, gradually falling into the “metabolic trap”, that is, after 6-8 weeks of eating too little, causing weight gain.

Learn how to eat out healthily, prioritize restaurants that cook “healthy” style, lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, cooked with little spices, such as restaurants serving wild vegetable rolls, chicken salad, Japanese dishes, hot pot restaurants; limit fried, grilled, grilled meat, and fast food restaurants.

Before eating, you should wash your stomach with something healthy like steamed vegetables, salad, soup or a glass of water, to eliminate the feeling of hunger due to thirst. Then, prioritize protein-rich foods and then starchy foods. Wherever you eat, you should eat slowly, practice mindfulness by chewing thoroughly, and feel the delicious taste of the food.

If you don’t have time to exercise, aim for 5-7,000 steps per day. This is a milestone that can help you reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic problems. At the end of the day, take the last 5 minutes to feel your body and mind, identify early signs of instability that your body signals so you can make timely adjustments.

In general, very few people have the “perfect time” to achieve their health goals. You should not set too big a goal, just “be 1% better every day”, the important thing is to understand the nature of healthy living, know how to take advantage of it to practice at all times to bring about effectiveness.

By Editor

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