Football: Philippe Diallo candidate for his own succession to the presidency of the French federation

According to information from L’Équipe, Philippe Diallo will be a candidate for his own succession at the head of the French Football Federation (FFF), which is anything but a surprise. The boss of French football announced it this weekend to his troops during a back-to-school meeting of the presidents of departmental districts.

Philippe Diallo has only been in office for eighteen months since Noël Le Graët resigned. His interim presidency will end with the December elections.


In his program, he will perhaps return to the idea of ​​creating a professional Ligue 3 in place of the National as he mentioned this weekend in the columns of “Bien Public”. “Mechanically, the National is increasingly formed by clubs with professional status, the sporting conditions are those of a high-level Division, but which lacks the income to be a real pro league, he explained. The question is to support the development of the resources of this Division to make it a real pro league.”

By Editor