Riikka Pakarinen does not apply to be Vapaavuori’s successor – demands a discussion about the line

Instead of names, the chairman of the Sports Association hopes that the role of the Olympic Committee would be discussed first.

Sports Federation (Your) chairman Riikka Pakarinen not going to apply Jan from Vapaavuori vacant position as chairman of the Olympic Committee.

Instead, Pakaris is interested in a board position in the Olympic Committee. The board of the Finnish Sports Federation will discuss this and also the selection of the chairman of the Olympic Committee at its meeting at the end of September.

“I don’t need to talk about the chairman thing any more after I’ve made my decision. I’m interested in the Olympic Committee’s board seat, but I haven’t locked that in yet,” Pakarinen says.

Pakarinen says that he has received inquiries about the chairmanship of the Olympic Committee from various sports federations.

“I’m glad that they asked about that, but it was clear for a long time that I wasn’t going to apply. I hope that the situation would go in such a way that those who want to be president would define their program, which the sports associations could then talk about.”

In other words, Pakarinen hopes that instead of names, the future direction and line of the Olympic Committee will be considered first.

“Exactly. I am disturbed by the discussion of names, when solutions should be sought from the other direction. What is the role of the Olympic Committee, how is elite sport developed and what is being done to move the people, where I see more of a role for sports associations than for the Olympic Committee.”

Olympic Committee the current strategy emphasizes three points: promoting the movement and physical lifestyle of Finns, building conditions for high-quality and renewing club and organization activities, and producing success in elite sports.

“I don’t like it when athletes are attacked.”

Pakarinen says that the Olympic Committee should be able to be developed as a service organization for elite sports.

“At the top level, it’s no longer about individual euros, but about services and support. There should be clear goals and follow-up, just like in the business world. Now they might be missing.”

In Pakarinen’s opinion, Finland needs to learn even more from how elite sports are organized in other parts of the world.

“For example, in Australia there are a certain number of sports that are clearly scored according to success. If the sport is successful, it will be guaranteed support, and the sports to focus on will not be chosen arbitrarily.”

of Paris in the Olympic Games, athletics was Finland’s most successful sports group, for example Silja Kosonen the bronze medal in the women’s shot put was 24 centimeters away.

After the Games, Pakarinen strongly defended the athletes of his association.

“I don’t like it when athletes are attacked. The role of the Olympic Committee is always highlighted under prestigious competitions, although it shouldn’t be. At least in athletics, you want to keep things under control.”

The fall meeting of the Finnish Olympic Committee will elect a new chairman at the end of November. So far, no definite candidate has emerged.

The ones that have been most prominent in the public have been the current vice president’s Tapio Korjusen and the owner of energy company St1 Mika Anttonen the names. Anttonen has not wanted to comment on the matter in any way.

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