Nevistić: We have to let go of false stories! There are no millions or the Champions League, we value ourselves too much

Ivan Nevistić (26) was again among Dinamo’s best players on the road, this time in Koprivnica, but again he conceded too much and Dinamo survived a new flood with a new (temporary) coach. “Pharmaceutics” achieved their first victory of the season (4-1), the most convincing in the history of the match against “Blues” in the HNL.

Dinamo’s goalkeeper was the only player from the Maksimir club to stand in front of the press after the defeat in which he conceded two of the four goals on an empty net from 20 meters.

– It is not a matter of quality, this team has quality, but we have entered a black hole and we need to get out of it as soon as possible. Dinamo is a big club in which it is very difficult to play, the jersey is very difficult and it does not forgive defeats. There is no alibi, we have to find strength and get out of this as soon as possible. In Dinamo, only victories are important, even yesterday is not important, only tomorrow and the next game. It is difficult, but we will get out of this – said Nevisti.

How much of a problem is it that Dinamo plays two games a week?

– It’s a bit of a problem because you can’t do some things that we can’t practice at the moment, but that’s not an alibi either. We have a wide staff, and whoever it is, Sandro or someone else, needs to be dosed so that everyone is fresh.

Koprivnica: NK Slaven Belupo and GNK Dinamo met in the 7th round of the First HNL |

Photo: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL

Nevistić had ten saves against Bayern, six against Slaven. But he conceded 13 goals.

– I’ve never heard that. When someone says that I conceded so many goals, I don’t feel good! But it has to be accepted. We also have to come down to earth a little, let the false stories go a little from the sidelines. The field is the only yardstick, 11 on 11. When you go out on the field, there are no more stories, no millions, no Champions League, no nothing. Maybe we need to stabilize a little and come down to earth. Maybe we value ourselves a little too much, and that’s obviously not the case – concluded Nevisti.

“Modri” will have to look for a repair of their impression against Banjol in the Cup on Wednesday from 16:00, next weekend Lokomotiva will visit them, and then they will meet Monaco in the Champions League.

By Editor

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