RK Zagreb lost in Norway

In the match of the third round of the B handball group Champions League Zagreb on the road in Norway lost to Kolstada on 25-29 (13-13) recording the second defeat. Zagreb handball players leave empty-handed from their second away game this season. After the defeat of Kielcea in the first round (23-30), the Croatian champion was also defeated on the road in Norway. He was close again, but sank in the finale, recording his second defeat. Unfortunately, my friend Andrije Nikolića she failed to repeat the game from the last round when the European runner-up “fell” in the Arena Aalborg.

The Norwegian team opened the match much better. The home team had +5 (10-5) halfway through the first half, and Kolstad had five points in the 25th minute (13-8). However, in the very end of the first half, Zagreb played fantastically and with a 5-0 run managed to tie the score at 13-13 by the end of the half. Timur was excellent Dibirov with five goals, and Matej Mandić who collected seven saves and scored to make it 13-13.

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At the opening of the second part, Zagreb led 14-13, Kolstad converted to +2 (18-16), but the Croatian champion managed to equalize. In the next few minutes, we saw an even game and the last quarter of the match was tied at 21-21. However, ten minutes before the end of the match, Kolstad went to plus two (24-22). The crisis period of Zagreb’s game continued and the Norwegians took a three-goal advantage eight minutes before the end (25-22).

Zagreb could come back to just one goal behind, but Ihar Bialiauski missed a seven-pointer with the score 25-23. When Benedict Oskarsson scored a minute before the end for 28-24, it was clear that the points remained in Norway. In the end it ended 29-25. Kolstad led Bjorn to the first victory of the season Gudojonsson with 11 goals, while Simen Lyse and Magnus The probes added to četiri gola, a sittrup Bergerud collected 11 saves. In Zagreb, Luka Lovre was the most effective Klarica with eight i Dibirov with seven goals. Matthew Mandić had 11 saves.

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