Ski jumper Markus Eisenbichler is annoyed about a new evaluation rule in his sport. In the future, landing will become even more important. Jump judges should deduct more points if an athlete does not show telemark. This annoys Eisenbichler “because the judges get more power,” he said at a meeting with the German Ski Association in Nuremberg. Telemark is a specific landing technique.
You get penalized for long jumps because it makes it more difficult to land with Telemark. “I think it’s totally stupid, quite honestly, what the FIs have come up with again,” said the 33-year-old, referring to the world association. “At some point I can’t be quiet anymore because I just lose my patience at some point.”
So far the best jumper has always won. “Now you may be the best and not be on the podium. “That’s just not fair,” said Eisenbichler. “I don’t understand certain people who decide that.”