Hiking tours in autumn: This is what you need to consider

Despite colder and shorter days, autumn is suitable for hiking. What should you consider when preparing?

Illustration Anja Lemcke / NZZ


“Good preparation is always essential when hiking, but especially in autumn and at the beginning of winter,” says Patricia Cornali, spokeswoman for the Swiss Hiking Trails Association. According to the hiking expert, with over 65,000 kilometers of hiking trails in Switzerland, there is something for everyone. However, she points out that normal hiking trails – i.e. not pink-marked ones for winter – are only intended for snow and ice-free times. “The closer winter comes, the more it is important to ensure that these paths are no longer controlled and maintained,” says Cornali.

It is not forbidden to walk such paths, but the possibility that the routes are inaccessible and pose risks is higher. In addition, elements of the infrastructure in the mountains, such as safety ropes or mobile bridges, would sometimes be dismantled in order to protect them from weather damage. “Hiking trails that are impassable due to snow and ice do not need to be closed separately. “It wouldn’t be possible given the size of the network,” says Cornali.

She recommends getting well-informed in advance, as some mountain railways, huts and restaurants are also closed in order to prepare for the winter season. “Information can be obtained from the tourist offices or local businesses.”

Be careful of tripping hazards

Since it can be slippery due to leaves and wetness, Cornali advises paying close attention and using hiking poles. “If you go uphill, the length of the poles is shortened; if you go uphill, they are lengthened.”

When ascending, you can pull yourself up using the double pole by moving both poles forward synchronously. At best, you should brake two stride lengths in front of your body when going downhill. “The weight should be consciously shifted onto the poles.” It must be ensured that the poles are properly fixed: “If they give way under pressure, falls can occur.”

To get an idea of ​​the climatic conditions, Cornali recommends checking webcams in addition to common weather apps: “You can see whether there is snow or the ground is muddy.” The expert advises studying the maps of the chosen route in advance. Since it gets dark earlier, she recommends setting off earlier and planning for time.

A certain level of basic fitness also helps when hiking. According to sports doctor Patrik Noack, the descent places particular strain on the back of the thighs. “The calves are stressed when stabilizing when it is uneven or muddy, or on inclines.” But it can be slippery at any time of the year.

“It is important that you go out even in fog and bad weather, because the fresh air promotes blood circulation and has a positive effect on the immune system and mental health,” says Noack. He also recommends making yourself visible to cyclists and car drivers at dusk, for example by wearing a fluorescent vest.

Adapt your equipment to the autumn days

“I recommend good, breathable hiking clothes with layers based on the onion principle,” says Claudia Schmid, hiking leader and managing director of the Bergfrau organization. You should also have rain protection, a thermal jacket, a hat and gloves in your backpack, as well as a small pharmacy with an emergency blanket, a charged cell phone and paper cards. This also includes a flashlight or headlamp.

“I also take hand or sole warmers with me,” says Cornali. If it gets unexpectedly cold, these will keep the whole body warm for several hours. Her shoe spikes are also always with her in autumn and winter. “They don’t weigh much and you can simply slip them over your hiking boots, which helps on slippery sections.”

It is also helpful to take enough food and drinks with you. Wells are often already turned off along the way. The opening times of restaurants can be adjusted spontaneously, especially in the off-season, and the self-service refrigerators at farms are sometimes no longer well-stocked or even empty in the fall.

Equally important, according to experts Cornali and Schmid: game rest areas should be observed. “They are generally marked with signs,” says Cornali. You should also find out about hunting areas from municipalities or cantonal hunting associations in autumn. “It’s worth wearing eye-catching colors to avoid being mistaken for an animal,” she says. If you prepare well, don’t overestimate yourself and don’t underestimate your chosen route, you can look forward to a beautiful and safe autumn hiking tour.

These tours are suitable for autumn days

Hikes on sunny paths above the sea of ​​fog or mystical tours through raised moors are particularly beautiful in autumn, late autumn and at the beginning of winter. “Areas where autumn colors can be seen, such as golden larches or colorful deciduous forests, are also recommended,” says Patricia Cornali, spokeswoman for the Swiss Hiking Trails Association.

Specifically, she suggests a hike in the Engadine, which leads from Silvaplana along Lake Silvaplana to Sils Maria and over the Chastè peninsula in Lake Sils and is also feasible for hikers with little experience. A hike in the Binntal Landscape Park to Schaplersee is also recommended. “If you don’t want to go into the mountains, you can go hiking in the Aargau Jura Park.” Cornali recommends the tour from Veltheim over the Gisliflue to the Schenkenberg castle ruins and on to Thalheim.

Claudia Schmid, hiking leader and managing director of the Bergfrau organization, also knows many routes that can be walked until late in autumn. “I recommend choosing tours on slopes and mountains that are as sunny as possible – depending on the weather, you can go up to 2,500 meters high.”

But the foothills of the Alps or lower hiking regions such as Einsiedeln, the Tösstal or the Napf area are also suitable. “The canton of Uri is steep and has many beautiful mountain hiking trails, but in Uri there are also gentler routes with wonderful views over the Uri mountains, Lake Uri and the Reuss Valley,” says Schmid. However, if you are not experienced in hiking and are unsure, you should definitely join a guided group.

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