Japan’s baseball idol Shohei Ohtani: From Oshu to Los Angeles

Jun Kuranari appears in appropriate costume to discuss Japan’s baseball idol Shohei Ohtani. The mayor of Ohtani’s hometown of Oshu wore a blue T-shirt with the name of Ohtani’s Los Angeles Dodgers club over his shirt and tie. He also has an idea for the photo with him on the subject of Ohtani and home in the town hall conference room. An employee brings non-alcoholic beer and a glass decorated with a sticker from the city’s fan club. There’s still a poster of Ohtani’s former club, the Los Angeles Angels, in the corner, but of course it doesn’t fit. Another employee quickly exchanges it for a fan club poster. Then Jun Kuranari stands in front of the poster with a beer glass and a thumbs up. Cheers to Ohtani worship – let the world know how proud Oshu is of the city’s most famous son.

By Editor

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