Athletico negotiates Léo Godoy’s departure to Santos

Athletico’s right-back, Leo Godoyhas advanced negotiations to defend Santos in the 2025 season.

The Argentine player must be transferred to Peixe on a one-year loan, with a purchase option established in the contract.

The information was initially published by the Argentine journalist specializing in the football market, César Luis Merlo.

Léo Godoy disappointed at Athletico

Léo Godoy didn’t do well at Furacão and should go to Santos. Photo: IconSport

Léo Godoy arrived at Furacão in 2024 under great expectations. The player was one of the main highlights of Estudiantes-ARG, but never established himself in Baixada.

Due to his low level of performance, he was passed over by midfielder Erick, who played improvised in the position both with the coach, Martín Varini, and, later, with Lucho González.

In total, he played 42 matches for Athletico, scored one goal and provided four assists.

Athletico continues in the process of reformulation

Léo Godoy’s departure should not be the last at Caju’s CT. After being relegated in the Brasileirão, Furacão is trying to negotiate some names in the squad, especially foreign players.

In this way, left-back Lucas Esquivel, midfielder Bruno Zapelli, and forwards Agustín Canobbio and Gonzalo Mastriani can still leave Athletico at the start of the season.

With three goals from a “forgotten” striker, Athletico scores

With three goals from the striker Matheus BabiAthletico beat Andraus, 6-0, in a training game played last Sunday (5), at the Ligga Arena.

This was the only test of the Hurricane commanded by Mauricio Barbieri before the debut in the 2025 Paranaense Championship, against Paraná Clube, Saturday (11), at the Mario Celso Petraglia Stadium.

Although the activity was divided into four 30-minute halves, Barbieri gave clear indications of the style of play that Furacão fans can expect at the start of the season.

By Editor

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