Sinner and the pressure of reconfirmation in Australia, the sports psychologist: “He knows how to win it”

The return to the court in Australia of the number one in world tennis, Jannik Sinnerwith a straight set win at the Opening Week degli Australian Open “confirms how confident and determined he is in continuing his trend as a leader in world tennis. In 2024 he demonstrated that he faced the doping storm in a resilient way and adapted without losing his structure. Andthis is why it is clear that the player, but above all the man, knows how to overcome the enormous pressure he will have in having to confirm himself as the winner of the first slam of the year and as number one in the rankings”. He explains it to Adnkronos Salute Pietro Bussottisports psychologist and coordinator of Sports Psychology of the Order of Psychologists of Umbria.

“He recharged himself by spending Christmas with his family and then training with his team which is one of his winning weapons – continues Bussotti – Surrounding himself with trusted people with whom he can share victories and more difficult moments. Each of us shows resilience in the face of adverse situations, but in Sinner this element becomes the determination of the awareness of the path taken to date: every experience – positive or negative – becomes the possibility of learning which is then used in tackling the next objective”.

“Today is confirmation as champion of the 2025 Australian Open. Sinner, although very young, is skilled in something that in the psychological field is called defining limits and boundaries. He is good at avoiding inappropriate overlaps between privacy and the public sphere, he knows how to recharge himself with small things, he manages to stay in tune with the team and can relax with the family. His secret – concludes the sports psychologist – is a mix of experience-resilience and awareness, the perfect alchemy to face any pressure.”

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