Jasmi Joensuu and Keijo wilded a crowd of more than a hundred people in Hakunila

Jasmi Joensuu visited the skiing event that bears his name. There was a huge number of competing children.

Atmosphere is downright rowdy.

Smaller groups of skiers arrive at the finish line, and everyone gets a high five at the finish line and strong encouragement from the great skiers of the region Jasmi from Joensuu.

Worked in the six-year-old series Eeli Paappanen confidently states at the finish line that he came to the end “at least as hard as Jasmi”.

A two year old Heta Keskitalon the journey is to stop right near the finish line, but in the end he makes the last stretch, spurred on by Joensuu’s encouragement.

The skiing weather in Vantaa in January is not the most wintry, but a huge group of happy children have gathered at the Hakunila sports park, skis on their feet and poles in their hands.

In Hakunila, the first competitions of the season of the Jasmi Cup, organized by the Vantaa Ski Association, will be held. The Cup got its name from the club’s number one name, Joensuu, who became an even bigger star at the turn of the year Tour de Ski.

The games have categories from 4-year-olds to 65-year-olds. More than two hundred skiers have signed up for the children’s and youth series, with a total of up to 154 number tags. Skiing is clearly interesting and moving even in the capital region.



Viivi Meskanen, who competed in the 6-year-old series, received an uppercut from Jasmi Joensuu at the finish line.



2-year-old Heta Keskitalo crossed the finish line with a little help.



Eemil Hilo came with a wild ride from the goal line.



Eeli Paappasen liked skiing in the 6-year-old category.

On the spot there is also a good-natured Jasmi Joensuu, who returned home from the Tour de Ski at the beginning of the week. He has spent a few days with his parents in Vantaa and arrived in Hakunila for his title race when the schedule allowed it for once.

“Of course I wanted to come, now that I happened to be here in the south. I don’t have time for every event when I have to prioritize my own skiing,” says Joensuu, who lives in Rovaniemi.

The Jasmi Cup is now being organized for the fourth year. Before that, the name of the event was Children’s Skiing. Joensuu was immediately excited by the idea that the games would bear his name. He considers it an honor.

“I would like to be able to influence the fact that young people have a positive image of exercise and hobbies and that they consider exercise to be a good thing in the future as well. That it wouldn’t be a must-have bun.”

Joensuu enjoys hustling and playing with the children.

“It’s a really great thing. However, children are the future, and it wasn’t that impossibly long ago that I was one myself, even if it seems far away. That’s where the spark comes from, and it’s really nice to be able to give the guys a little more enthusiasm.”

Over the years, Joensuu has already gotten used to the idea that he is now an idol and a role model for many children and young people.

“Yes, of course it feels good when people, especially small children, excitedly come to say hello. Being a role model is part of this job, and of course I want to help and inspire young people with a positive attitude. It’s a really important thing.”

In the middle of the interview, Joensuu’s mother, accompanied by her Jack Russell terrier Keijo, arrived. Keijo is at home at a skiing event and jumps in the crowd happily, but in a different way Krista Pärmäkoski dog Edvin, Keijo was not included in Italy.

“Keijo likes to be at home on the couch, so she lets it be there. Keijo has been with my parents, but tomorrow he will go with me to Rovaniemi.”



Jasmi Joensuu enjoyed the company of children in Hakunila’s Jasmi Cup.

Pre-images was of course also in Joensuu when he was still a novice competitive skier. For him too, the moments when he got to meet idols were big and significant.

”Marit Björgenin I followed a lot of skiing, he was strong and fast. And then of course Virpi Kuitunen (now Sarasvuo) and other Finnish stars. Virpi was my most important idol from Finland, but Krista and Kerttu Niskanen too then already rising.”

“I got to meet Virpi quite a bit when I was little. It was wonderful to know him in that way. Even later, he has always helped if there have been troubles or something similar. The phone line is always open.”

Meeting the idols he knew from TV was important and exciting for the young Joensuu. He now wants to offer the same excitement and enthusiasm to the children of VHS and other clubs.

“It’s kind of hard to imagine that excitement when you feel that you are so approachable that you don’t need to be excited. But it’s fun to notice that the children are excited in the same way as I was when I was little.”

Joensuu emphasizes that he wants to set an example by encouraging children primarily to engage in an active lifestyle. Not everyone becomes a top athlete, but an athletic background is always useful.

“I would like to be able to influence the fact that young people have a positive image of exercise and hobbies and that they consider exercise to be a good thing in the future as well. That it wouldn’t be a must-have bun.”

By Editor

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