Why Red Bull can’t give Jürgen Klopp wings

“In the name of the can”. Or “The Can Cavalier”. The staging of the presentation of Jurgen Klopp would have earned a blockbuster name. Red Bull just does what it can. And spectacular events are one of the beverage company’s specialties. The only question is: How well does Jürgen Klopp fit into this canned empire?

On stage an Austrian presenter and two German star guests. The setting is Salzburg and the host is a company from Fuschl am See. You can ask yourself the question: Why is English spoken here? Red Bull wanted to make a statement. Klopp is responsible for all clubs with the red bull on their chest. From Brazil to Germany, from New York to Salzburg. Klopp is “Head of Global Soccer”, hence the English language. Still strange for the majority of the (German-speaking) journalists who arrived.

Jürgen Klopp is undoubtedly one of the greatest experts in football at this time. In addition, his popularity has increased steadily in recent years – because he is not only good and successful, but also authentic and down to earth – “The Normal One”. Red Bull, on the other hand, seems to be recovering after the death of Dietrich Mateschitz In 2022 we just have to reorientate ourselves a little. In addition, the two clubs in Europe, Salzburg and Leipzig, have often appeared weak and weak recently. The image is still not the best and fan protests are not uncommon. So it’s logical that you want to get back on the road to success with the help of an expert. If he could take the company up the popularity ladder at the same time, it would be a double win. Klopp can be trusted to do both.

For Klopp, the new job is a risk; he could lose his cult status. He can only prevent this if he stays as he is. Or: it can stay like that. May his new employer’s advertising slogan not come true and may Red Bull not give him wings. Because if Klopp stays on the ground, everyone benefits. Or to put it in international Red Bull language: “No wings for Kloppo!”

By Editor

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