He was in 1978 European champion in professional boxing. He took part in the Wasa Run on cross-country skis. He is with 25 Marathons (including in New York) was sometimes more than just “further running”. Josef “Jo Tiger” Pachler (“50 sit-ups are no problem for me”) is still active every day. And proof that, contrary to prejudice, boxing doesn’t have to make you stupid. Tomorrow, Thursday, the Carinthian Mister “Nimmermüd” celebrates his 75th.
The wiry boxing champ, often underestimated because of his high forehead, hardly had to leave any hair in the ring. Both as an amateur and as a professional, Pachler was never knocked out badly. o. And because Jo also let his opponents live, he was called the tiger with velvet paws.
Throughout last summer, Pachler held anti-aggression training “at home in Carinthia” that attracted no fewer than 850 young people. Pachler is currently introducing interested parties from five nations to the art of self-defense. And it is not without pride that we report that young female students in particular cut a good figure.
At the end of his time in the army, Vice Lieutenant Pachler also became a three-time Olympic ski champion Matthias Mayer taught boxing. “He was the most disciplined soldier you could imagine. I would be very, very happy if Matthias competes in the World Cup again and makes a comeback.”
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