De Rossi new owner Ostiamare, speaks the former manager

Daniele De Rossi He returned home. The former midfielder and coach of Rome is the New owner of the OstiaMare Calcio team where he started playing. To comment on the news came the words, all’adnkron Of Paolo Paone former Ostiamare Manager who led to the promotion in Serie C in the 90s, just when De Rossi played in the youth sector: “I am really very happy. Daniele is a friend, we felt yesterday and told me with a smile, In addition to your family Just a ‘crazy’ as me could buy ostiamare. Finally there is positive news for Ostia, because Daniele has unique skills And I am convinced that it will be very present because it keeps us, for him it is one matter of heartnever forgot about Ostia “.

I remember it very well Even if he played little for us, because Roma took him very young, “said Paone,” he immediately impressed his grit on the pitch, he never removed his foot, he always had a visceral love for football and Roma. On the pitch it was a driver will also be as a manager, I’m sure he will do great things. ”

Paone dreams of seeing the hosting return to playing the field of the ‘polar star’: “It is the field where we conquered the historic promotion in Serie C, now instead rugby plays. I would like us to come back there for a matter of heart but not only, I consider it more suitable than the anco Marzio, where it is played now, that is fine but for the youth sector “.

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