Back to the start: ÖFB retains both managing directors

With his first session of the year existed for that Presidium of the ÖFB nothing to win. On Friday it was necessary to answer the question for the top body of the country’s largest sports association: Do you fly or don’t you fly?

We are talking about the two managing directors Thomas Hollerer and Bernhard Neuhold. The two cannot be with each other, at the end of November they were Both employment relationships terminated – with a six -month period. This should make the end of a year smoldering Power struggle be heralded.

However: Interim President Wolfgang Bartosch announced on Sunday to want to postpone the dismissals in order to Ability to act to maintain the company. To do this, it took a simple majority decision, i.e. seven out of 13 votes. Exit completely open.

Initially, Hollerer and Neuhold flew out of the meeting room. Like four more Presidium members without voting rights If the duo remained in things – on the cozy sofas of the hotel lobby, which invited you to get a family. However, not surprisingly, the two went to the distance. Not a common tea that would have been available. And even even no peace pipewhile at the session the Heads smoked. Probably about how to keep the face after the back and forth of the past few weeks.

The answer

Did that work? After an hour the wait had come to an end. Wolfgang Bartosch stepped out of the meeting room, grabbed Hollerer and Neuhold and taught the duo in one Six-eye conversation About the further procedure. After three minutes the session continued – with everyone, including the two managing directors. However: for the public it was still said: please wait!

However: Shortly after 5 p.m. Then the session was over. The result: As the courier found out, Thomas Hollerer and Bernhard Neuhold remain at the ÖFB. Using the majority decision, the Dismissal the two actually revised. Say: it goes back to the start. There is still no concrete plan of how the duo continues. If you will be terminated again at a later date, the six -month notice period of the two managers would also begin again. More in short …

By Editor

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