Sport, president of the Croatian Olympic Committee visiting the ICS

The Sports and Cultural Credit Institute hosted the president of the Croatian Olympic Committee, Zlatko Mateša, former Prime Minister Croatian, this morning to present the bank’s activity and share the experience gained over the years in financing the sports and cultural sector . The ICS with a note, President Beniamino Quintieri and the CEO Antonella Baldino, illustrated the peculiarities of the Institute, the only public bank in Europe that guarantees financial support for territorial bodies, sports bodies, universities, religious bodies, religious , Non -profit and businesses that invest in sports and culture.

The president of the Croatian Olympic Committee, strongly interested in the business model of the Institute for Sports and Cultural Credit, has deepened the functioning of the Bank by proposing it as an example replicable in Croatia, with the aim of stimulating new investments in favor of sport e of culture, for the benefit of local communities and territories.

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