Stuttgart’s base is changing in the gymnastics scandal leadership

The Stuttgart art-gymnastics forum, which is strongly criticized due to abuse closures, gets a new base manager. Michael Breuning will retire after more than 38 years, said the Swabian Gymnastics Association (StB). On March 1st, Nicolas diaper band (35) took over the role. The association is looking forward to “many new impulses,” said STB President Markus Frank. A “strong successor” was found.

Diaper band comes from the Baden Turner-Bund and was most recently responsible for coordination of top sports. As the “Stuttgarter Zeitung and the” Stuttgarter Nachrichten “report, Breuning will not be vice president for top Olympic sports at the StB in June.

Allegations since shortly before Christmas

The abuse scandal in German gymnastics has been causing a sensation for weeks. Led by the former selection athletes Tabea Alt and Michelle Timm, a number of gymnasts have made serious allegations against working at the federal base in Stuttgart shortly before Christmas. Among other things, “systematic physical and mental abuse” and catastrophic circumstances were criticized.

The focus was also on the focus in Mannheim. Among other things, harsh and authoritarian training methods were denounced here.

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The StB and the German Turner Association (DTB) are busy with the processing. For this purpose, a law firm from Frankfurt am Main was used in mid -January. A trainer duo has been released from the activity in the Stuttgart Art Turn Forum.

A case for the public prosecutor

The State Criminal Police Office of Baden-Württemberg has investigated an investigation against a former coach of the Stuttgart Art Turn Forum. According to the Stuttgart public prosecutor, a procedure has been initiated in several cases for suspicion of coercion. Searches also took place – according to DPA information, among others in the StB office.

The DTB announced that the investigation concerned him as so -called third parties. Neither the DTB nor those responsible for the DTB are accused of the ongoing investigation. Both associations welcomed the criminal processing in statements.

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