Ice hockey player Marco Niewollik pulls strength for the next few months after his severe neck injury. “I would like to thank you from the heart for the many messages that have reached me in all ways in the past few days,” said the 20-year-old in a statement by the Augsburg Panther. “I am very happy and gave me a lot of strength for the coming months.”
Worse moment in the Oberliga game
The players from the Augsburg youth had seriously injured the neck two weeks ago at an Oberliga game of the EC Peiting-for which he was used this season by promoting a funding license and the resulting fall against the gang. After the accident in the game against the Tigers Bayreuth, Niewollik had remained motionless on the ice. He was brought to the Murnau accident clinic by rescue helicopter.
A first large operation in Murnau has already been carried out, a second intervention is still imminent. Even though he has made small health progress in the past two weeks, “he is only at the beginning of a lengthy rehabilitation process”. Details were not given. “My whole focus is now on the second operation and the subsequent rehab to get strength as quickly as possible,” said the striker.
Panther Managing Director: He gets full support
“The news was a big shock for all of us in the club, we suffer with him and are regularly in exchange with him and his family. We know that there is still a long and hard path in front of him, ”said Panther Managing Director Maximilian Horber. “Of course, he can always count on the full support of the Augsburg Panther. We wish him a lot of strength, a quick and hopefully complete recovery. “
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