An ex-minister should save the table tennis association

It is obvious that it is in Austrian table tennis association cannot go on like in the past few months. The relationship of many athletes with sports director Stefan Fegerl and president Wolfgang Gotschke It is so broken that there were tournaments boycotts. At the European Championships in Linz in October, this could still be averted, but a lawyer letter in which the athletes made the allegations public for the first time caused excitement.

“In the past few months I have repeatedly seen players neglected, put under pressure mentally and that necessary information is withheld,” explained European champion Sofia Polcanova.

Now movement is coming into the rigid fronts. First the association had deployed an investigation commission. This came to the conclusion that the Allegations of mental violence are credible. A member of this commission was Walter Windischbauerthe President of the Salzburg Association. “The ratio is massively broken”says Windischbauer in conversation. Therefore, he became active and looked for personalities for the election of the board. This finds at the General Assembly on March 30th instead of. “There has been an unpleasant mood in the association for months. Now we want to smash this Gordian knot.”

For the Presidency becomes Ex-minister Norbert run. The Burgenland has been closely connected to table tennis since childhood. “The clashes of the past few months should be overcome as quickly as possible. Association management and internationals need an intact base of the conversation, “he explains his commitment.

For the Sports Directors of the ÖTTV runs Liu JiaAustria player. “She is welcome everywhere, was even with the Federal President at a delegation in China,” said Windischbauer about the star in the election proposal.

Darabos and Lui Jia run for the positions currently occupied by Wolfgang Gotschke and Stefan Fegerl. All other current board members Would be again also also Secretary General Mathias NeuwirthFinancial boss Conrad Miller and the Bundesliga chairman Günther Renner.

Whether there is another candidacy must be decided this week because there is a four -week period before the election. The nine national associations (with four to six votes) and the four honorary presidents (one vote each) are entitled to vote.

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