Rome-like 2-1, Saelemaekers and Dovbyk overturns game

The Rome finds a 2-1 comeback on Como at the Olimpicofourth consecutive victory for Ranieri’s team that continues the race towards the most noble positions in the ranking. Thanks to these three points, it rises to 43 in eighth position, temporarily climbing over Milan, engaged this evening against Lazio, while Fabregas’ formation remains still at 28 points. Ranieri wins the race thanks to the changes, with the goals of the newly enthusiastic Saelemaekers and Dovbyk responding to the goal, at the end of the first half, of Da Cunha, with the Como who, however, remained in ten men for the expulsion of Kempf from 63 ‘.

For the challenge with Como, Ranieri chooses Shomurodov forward with Dybala and Pellegrini from 1 ‘, with Dovbyk recovering and goes on the bench. Paredes and Koné in the median, with Soulé on the right and Agnelino on the left, while Celik retires in defense with Macini and Nicka. On the other side Fabregas, disqualified, chooses the tandem Nico Paz-Diao in attack, with Caquret, Perrone and from Cunha to the midfield Camp. Valley on the left. On the bench also dele Alli.

The game

Roma tries to surprise Como at the start, at 1 ‘Pellegrini is held in the area, but loses the balance on the exit of Butez. At 10 ‘the first ring of Como with Kempf who headed by Treslar but sends high over the crossbar. Roma controls, in an almost compassionate way, in a very tactical race. At 13 ‘Dybala falls into the area after a contact with Goldaniga, but the referee Pairetto continues. The Argentine tries at 31 ‘but the shot is weak and central. In the end of time the Como sinks and surprises Roma: Perrone Imbuca for Da Cunha who finds a central passage and in the area beats Swilar for the 1-0 for the Lombards.

At the beginning of the second half Ranieri changes and inserts El Shaarawy and Dovbyk for Pellegrini and Shomurodov. Roma tries to raise the rhythms and at 50 ‘asks for red for Smolcic, already warned, for a foul on El Shaarawy launched towards the Porta del Como, but Pairetto continues and does not even give the foul. At 57 ‘Koné tries but the shot is rejected, and then the conclusion of Pardes ends very high. The Giallorossi push and leave some spezio. At 58 ‘Cutrone slips, as soon as he entered, but the conclusion towards the door is too weak and blocks Swylar.

Ranieri still intervenes and inserts Saelemaekers for Soule and Cristante for Kone and at 61 ‘Roma draws: Celik rushes on the right and serves in the Saelemaekers area who beats Butez with a shot diverted by Goldaniga for 1-1. At 63 ‘Como remains in ten men: this time Pairetto extracts the red for Kempf for the sum of admonitions, second yellow for incorrect game on Dybala in midfield. At 69 ‘Como goes to the net with Diao but is canceled for an evident irregular position of Cutrone. At 74 ‘forced gearbox for Roma for a muscle problem for Celik, RenSch enters who is immediately the protagonist and in the 76th minute, on the launch of Cristante, you need the perfect axit on the fly for Convbyk who scores the 2-1 goal from two steps.

Como reacts, even if in inferiority, and at 84 ‘the conclusion from outside the area of ​​Ikoné comes but the shot is walled from Mancini’s body. Roma, stretches and the Como tries and risks finding the equal to 88 ‘: Vojvoda releases forward, enters the area and kicks towards the door but hits the pole, then on the repeated Swarm he immolates himself and closes the mirror in Cutrone and saves his. In restarting Roma tries the trio but it is wrong first with El Shaarawy and then with Dovbyk and Como tries until the end to find the peer but Treslar is attentive and Roma brings home a very important success that brings her back to the race for Europe.


By Editor

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