Steffi Graf’s son goes his own way

Jaden Agassi looks rather inconspicuous, even a little shy in the vicinity of the German national baseball team. The son of the two tennis legends Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi does not take so important in his first steps in the selection of the German Baseball and Softball Association. Despite the great interest in his person, he wants to convince as a team player – and that’s how he behaves.

“So far it was fantastic. Everyone was super friendly and I think we have a really good group together, ”said the 23-year-old. At the World Baseball Classic qualifier in Tucson in the US state of Arizona, the pitcher (thrower) is intended to help realize the first German qualification for the World Cup finals organized by the Major League Baseball (MLB).

It would be a premiere. In three attempts, Germany always failed in qualification. In 2013, the MLB event replaced the previous World Cup of the World Association.

Why not a tennis? “Ball wanted to beat as far as possible”

Even if his sports election did not fell on tennis, his parents are proud of him, Jaden Agassi revealed. “Since I was a little child, they just wanted me to be happy and do what I love. And that’s baseball. ” He used to play tennis, “for me it was difficult to keep the ball on the white lines. I just wanted to beat him as far as possible, ”Agassi told the ARD“ Sportschau ”.

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His famous parents, who came together in tennis to get 30 Grand Slam tournament victories, always supported him, also visited many of his games, but did not want to steal the spotlight. In private, there were still valuable tips from the former world-class athletes for the offspring. “My parents gave me on the way early: talent is hard when the talent doesn’t work hard,” said Jaden Agassi.

To be launched for his mother’s home country in the future will mean a lot. “I can’t wait to make Germany proud,” said the American -born with a German passport.

Outstanding statistics in the junior league

Solving the World Cup ticket, “I would mean everything,” said Agassi. “I know that we all want it very much. Hopefully it would bring more baseball to Germany and continue to spread the sport we all love. ”

The appointment to the German national team is also an important step for his further career. Most recently, the right-handed thrower was active in the MLB Draft League-a youth league for talents-for the Mahoning Valley Scrapper in the US state of Ohio. His statistics were outstanding, which ultimately also led to nomination.

“Jaden Agassi is a really great boy who is well received in the team. He has what it takes to help us at the tournament, ”says national coach Jendrick Speer.

When Agassi describes the moment when he learned about the nomination, childlike joy bubbles out of him. “It was very exciting. One day I drove home from the gym when I got a call from Jendrick. He said “Come on, play for us”, and I said “absolutely!” “

Agassi hopes for a professional contract

Now Jaden Agassi is on the big stage before his first appearance. The World Cup qualification tournament in Arizona is not only a huge chance for Germany. When asked how things go for him after the tournament in his career, Agassi replied: “To be honest, I don’t know yet. I am now fully focusing on the tournament. In the very best case, someone becomes aware of me and a professional contract jumps out. ”

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