In Santa Maria a Vico (CE), at the “Il Cuneo” Art Pinacoteca the Sensory psychomotor course on motorcycles organized by ASI Sports and Social Association Mototherapy Sector and the Mototherapy Association. The training course, sponsored by the Giustino Fortunato University, by the research school on neurosviluppo Fusis disorders, from the rehabilitation center Lynphis Studio Benza, from the municipalities of Santa Maria a Vico and Arienzo, has had great success for the great technical, cultural, social and health and moral value.
Sensory psychomotricity in motion is an innovative treatmentwith study in the publication phase, neurosviluppo disorders, autism in the first place, where the motorcycle becomes a sensory, emotional stimulation tool, facilitating the socialization used, by therapists and by the personnel trained, such as “giant game” also for the improvement of attention, concentration and motor skills, both fine and global.
The National Diploma was delivered to the students Signed by the ASI President Claudio Barbaro and have obtained the insertion in the register of Third Sector operators and the green light to the performance of sensory psychomotor in motion by the national contact person in the Mototherapy sector, according to the sector directives.
Neo-operators from different regions of Italy (Lombardy, Lazio, Campania, Basilicata, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily), received the national titles directly from the hands of the third sector of ASI, Simone Levanti and the national contact person of the Mototherapy sector, Dr. Luca Nuzzo in the presence of the vice -president of the Zonal Committee ASI of Avellino, Benevento and Caserta, Lucio Cecere and the president of the Provincial Committee of Naples, Angelo Saviano.
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