Jannik Sinner “is an extraordinary boy, with his feet on the ground, humblewith all those fundamental values you are looking for not only in an athlete, but also in a person with whom it is nice to spend time. Working with him is a pleasure“. One of his two coaches said in a long interview, Darren Cahillin yesterday’s episode of the ‘Tennis Insider Club Podcast’. “He has gone through a difficult period in the last 12 months and our task has been to protect him, to make him understand that he did nothing wrong and that he can always walk with his head held high In the changing rooms, proud of the person who is. This was a fundamental aspect for us as a team. He faced a complicated situation and, even if he knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, he didn’t know what the final verdict would be, “he said speaking of the clostebol case.
“Some players bring the problems they have in everyday life on the field and cannot ‘perform’ well. Others, however, manage to separate things. For them, when they enter the field, everything else disappears. They only think: ‘Ok, there is an opponent on the other side, this is what I have to do today. I love to do this’. And that’s what he loves to do. This is his purpose in life: to compete and have an incredible thing. JUST JUST, and that I did not taught him, but it came directly from him, this was: ‘Don’t worry about the criticisms of those from whom you would not accept advice’. He is a mature guy, a good guy. Italy is rightly proud of him and there is nothing to be proud of, “he concluded.
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