The red tide pours into Piazza Castello, in the heart of Milan. Ferrari chooses an iconic place in the city to present in great style – in an event organized with the new unicredit sponsor – the season at the starting blocks. The Cavallino fans respond to the appeal from the early hours of the morning, to greet Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc and make the two champions an “good luck” world.
The warmth of the audience is heard, there are rivers of fans and wearing hats and red shirts, waving the iconic flags of the Cavallino to push the team to the assault of a pilot title that has been missing since 2007. The number of the day is 44, which shines on the Hamilton single -seater. The big news. “We skipped the school to be here” we read on one of the signs shown proudly by a group of girls. And again, in a myriad of messages: “When they ask us for our favorite color we reply the Ferrari Rosso”, “Lewis, bring us the World Cup” and “Charles it’s up to you, protect us everywhere”next to the photos of the two axes that make Maranello dream for the next season, at the start with the Australia Grand Prix on Sunday 16 March.
The spotlight on the pilots, but also on the majestic SF-25, the livery that will accompany Hamilton and Leclerc in the Formula 1 championship. He stands in the center of the square, next to the historic single-seater of 2004 and 2006, with the Castello Sforzesco in the background. A scenario, the one chosen to present the partnership between Ferrari and Unicredit, which is also a fusion between history and modernity. Hamilton and Leclerc, together with the team manager Frederic Vasseur, were the protagonists of the evening.
The two drivers led the single -seater on the streets of Milan, between via Paleocapa, via Jacini, Piazza Castello, Viale Gadio and via Minghetti. Leclerc shot on the 2019 car, the protagonist with him of the first successes in Belgium and Monza: “Hi Milan – the words of Monegasco – it’s nice to be here. I had fun and now I expect a great season”. Then, a helmet also worn by English, amused on the streets of the Lombard capital on the 2021 car: “It is beautiful to be in this city. Thanks, I love you”. Between overtaking and orders of Scuderia, the two then kicked off the challenge by turning simultaneously on the mini-circuit prepared for the occasion. To close with the lap of honor on a flaming blue SF-90. To greet the public in celebration.
The real charge for the first Grand Prix of the season, in Melbourne, came from the stage. The first to speak was Leclerc: “I have a special connection with Italy, growing up I became a Ferrari fan and I have always dreamed of being here. I hope to bring the Ferrari world champion back. New season? We hope to play them everyone, but it will be difficult. We feel ready, we will see in Australia where we will be “.
Concept reiterated by Hamilton: “Hi Milan. I am happy to be here, it is a great honor. It is the first exhibition event in a city like this, with Ferrari and with Charles. I hope to do a good job. We fight for the championship, it is possible with you“In closing the great surprise on the notes of the Mameli’sno, sung loudly and with the hand on the chest by all the fans present. Here is the postcard of Italy at Formula 1. Ferrari is there and is looking forward to starting again. (by Michele Antonelli)
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