Handball-Schiri removed again on a stretcher

The Danish handball referee Jesper Madsen once again caused a frightened second in the middle of the game and was brought off the field for the second time within a few days. In the league game between Aalborg Håndbold and Team TVis Holstebro, the impartial in the middle of the second half complained about severe dizziness and could no longer hold onto his feet. Madsen was conscious all the time.


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Helpers finally raised the World Cup referee on a stretcher and wore it from the parquet. “Compared to Veszprem, he is worse today. He is a bit dizzy. He sits outside in the ambulance and handed over. He seems to be more dazed than last time, ”reported his referee colleague Mads Hansen, who had finished the game alone, the Danish broadcaster TV2sport.

Second incident within a few days

Already at the Champions League game at the end of February between KC Veszprem and Sporting Lisbon, Madsen was involuntarily the focus. Shortly before the break, the Dane suddenly tipped away and opened on the floor. At that time, the referee was medical care and then brought out of the hall on a stretcher. The following examinations did not indicate any serious problems.

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