National Handball team: Knorr not fit: Use in EM qualification unsafe

Behind the use of national handball player Juri Knorr in the European Championship qualifiers against Austria is a question mark. This was announced by the German handball federation at the start of the course in Hanover, without naming a reason. It is also uncertain whether the young stars Justus Fischer and Renars Uscins could play the game on Thursday (6 p.m.) in Vienna and Saturday (4.30 p.m.) in Hanover.

Spielmacher Knorr had already missed several games at the World Cup in January due to illness. “Fischer could join the team at the end of the week at the end of the week, USCins and Knorr are not yet ready for use,” said the association announcement. In order to be prepared for possible failures, nominated national coach Alfred Gislason therefore followed the back area player Miro Schluroff from Bundesliga club VfL Gummersbach.

Germany leads the table

Germany had started the qualification with success against Switzerland and Turkey and leads the table. The first two teams in the group of four are certainly qualified for the EM 2026. The four best third -placed people from the eight qualification groups are also included in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

“Nothing changes in our task: against Austria we have two difficult games ahead of us, from which we want to get the best out on Thursday and Saturday. It is about successfully withdrawing the next steps in the qualification for the European Championship, ”said national team manager Benjamin Chatton.

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