Manipulation in ski jumping: “absolutely everyone does it”

After the suit scandal at the World Cup in Trondheim, Norway’s ski jumping Olympic champion Daniel-André Tande was granted during his career. “Absolutely everyone does it,” the 31-year-old told Norwegian broadcasting NRK to manipulate the equipment. “Yes, I would dare to say that I did it a few times.” In 2018 in Pyeongchang, Tande won Olympic gold with the team.

The former ski jumper Anders Jacobsen and Johan Remen Evensen also admitted manipulations. “It’s a hard word. Fraud. But I can’t say with my hand on my heart not having done it, ”said Jacobsen. “Because if the definition of fraud is to wear a somewhat too big suit, I cheated.” In 2007 Jacobsen won the four -hill tour.

Fraud in ski jumping

:Norway gives manipulations

After the disqualification of three Norwegian jumpers, the association grants the rule violation when tailoring the suits. Sports director Aalbu speaks of “stupidity” – but the reputation of the sport was difficult.

It was not just about illegal changes in the suit, as the Norwegians reported. Shoes, gloves and even the underwear would be manipulated. Tande reported that the Norwegians had changed their excessive suit material with a perforation machine in 2019 so that they passed the air permeability test. According to Tande, the various nations had done that another team would have borrowed the Norwegian machine.

The trio sees the main culprit at the World Association FIS, which stimulates the jumper with its regulations – and does not always pass consistently. “The principle in sport is if you are not caught, you didn’t cheat,” said Evensen. “This is a problem of attitude that runs through the whole world of ski.”

The problem is the FIS, said Tande. He claimed that inspectors would not consider visible manipulations so that you had the right winner: “It is the best for the product if a Norwegian wins in Norweg or an Austrian in Austria. That is well known. “

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