Lewis Hamilton praises Kimi Räikkonen – “Massive Respect”

Superstar Lewis Hamilton greatly appreciates Kimi Räikkonen.

Motor racing superstar Lewis Hamilton40, moved from Mercedes-Benz to Ferrari for the F1 season.

Hamilton’s predictions at the renowned Italian River are on the doorstep of the new season, a hot topic.

Newly At a press conference, the British Hamilton was reminded that Kimi Raikkonen and Spanish Fernando Alonso Won their first race while driving Ferrari F1. German Sebastian Vettelkin Already won in the second Ferrari in the GP competition.

“Those guys did an incredible job – I have a massive respect for them. I know how much work requires adaptation to the new stable. That’s why their achievements are even more impressive than I had previously thought, ”Hamilton said Carport by.

“It took me half a year before I won my first race by Mercedes-Benz’s F1 stable car. I don’t know how long it will take Ferrari, but I will do my best to be ready from the first race, ”seven-time F1 world champion Hamilton continued.



Kimi Räikkönen is a former Ferrari driver.

Raikkönen is still Ferrari’s latest drivers’ F1 World Champion in 2007. That year was Räikkönen’s first season in Ferrari, and he won the renowned Italian team in the 2007 opening competition in Australia.

Räikkönen, 45, withdrew from the work of the F1 driver after the 2021 season.

F1 season 2025 The first GP competition will be gassed in Melbourne, Australia on March 16th.

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