Lewis Hamilton has conquered the pole in qualifications (the use of soft tires) for the Sprint of the GP of China, second appointment of the Formula 1 World Championship. The Ferrari driver has recorded the new track record and will start in the front row in the minigara next to Max Verstappen With the Red Bull, detached of 18 thousandths.
Second row for Oscar Plastri with McLaren and for the other red of Charles Leclerc, fourth and with a time of two tenths higher than his partner. Only sixth the other McLaren of Lando Norriswinner of the first race of the season in Australia, seventh the Italian Some Antonelli On Mercedes. The Sprint race is scheduled for Saturday at 4 Italian time.
“I struggled since the beginning of qualifications. I felt a step back from Hamilton. I had difficulty in the approach of Curva 1, 2 and 3, but tomorrow we will try to make an excellent race together. I am not in the position I would like, but the fourth place is overall good. Tomorrow it will not be easy to manage the tires in the Sprint Race”. These are the words of Leclerc.
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