Bundesliga club separates from head coach

The sparrows in Graz already whistled it from the roofs, now it’s official: Rene Poms is no longer a GAK coach. The 49-year-old has to say goodbye to office after only five months. “The GAK 1902 has opened head coach Rene Poms with immediate effect, “the association announced on social media.

After the division of points, the Graz are in the penultimate place with the bottom of the altach, so they are in the middle of the relegation battle. Poms, the former Nenad Bjelica assistant at various clubs, sat on the GAK bank a total of twelve games. He was only able to win three victories in the league, with three draws it set five defeats. In addition, there is an end in the ÖFB Cup.

At the GAK it is already the second change of coach in the current season, Poms had only replaced Gernot Messner in October. A successor should be presented “in the near future”, said the club, which “wants to put new impulses”. The most recent media were traded as candidates in the media. With Rene Aufhauser and Joachim Standfest, two other coaches with GAK-Background are on the market.

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