Football analysis has passed a long way from the first models of O & CCaron; equed goals (XG). Progress in collecting Dough & Dstrok data, Pr & Cacathe, PA & CCARON, and Technology of Probu and Legs, Provide Le & Dstock; It has a naked balls as accurately as the number of goals achieved.
The latest is a trend, with machine in & ccaron; and neural network, artificial intelligence (AI). Although and coacute; and many areas, in their SR & ZCARON; and represents the ability of RA & CCARON; to perform tasks that INA & CCARON; I connect with people.
The application of AI in football is not a novelty. For example, a company Zone7 ve & cacute; For years, collaborations with clubs on the prediction of the risk of assistance of assistance; On the ground, semi -automated hinterland & dstrok; Ai analysis that accompanies the movement of the ball and plays & ccaron. Liverpool recently surah & dstrok with Google Deepmind on the development of “Tacticai” platforms that improves the defense strategy for corner.
However, the greatest influence of analytics in football is visible in the process of giving the game & ccaron. Investments have led to the creation of an Istria & Zcaron.
Little clubs got a chance
Unfortunately, clubs with limited budgets may not afford such infrastructure. But with the rise of generative artificial intelligence, such as Chatgpt, the situation changes. This technology, based on large languages (LLM), is shown on a huge amount of data to recognize the patterns and generate the content of the content, including the ccaron;
Although the statistics in the background of Slo & Zcaron; these platforms enable users to ask questions about the specific game & cacaron; in simple soccer language.
David Summpter, co-founder & caron; Anality & CCaron; Twelve Football companies, the same & ccaron that the democratization of such platforms knows & cacaron; and that the science of data is no longer reserved for elite clubs. Today, clubs can “talk” with the equivalent of the Stru & CCaron; the data on the application on your phone.
– This is used by some of the highest & Cacute; the world clubs, but also clubs in Ni & Zcaron; IM Ligas. In essence, they may have a data analysis department at the Premier League Club level. It’s a dream, “Summar told the New York Times.
Twelve Football, with clients in the fiercest & Ccaron leagues, recently introduced his Analysis Tool, “Earpiece”, available through Whatsapp, aid; where the clubs can be persuaded and weak in the Po & Ccaron.
Although data and visualizations can be browsed in more detail, the Summpter describes the platform as “verbalization” Slo & zcaron; a simple message, with & zcaron; ith a game analysis.
This access to Ve & Cacute; has helped clubs. The Summptter lists the Club from the English League One who thanks & Cacute; and transfers in Sites & Ccaron, based on these analyzes, knows & ccaronely. Play & CCaron; and so & Dstok; er using the report & cacute; followed by the match to assess his performance.
The simplicity of access should not be underestimated, especially given the limits of some clubs facing the basic infrastructure. Talks with numerous football industry professionals have confirmed that WhatsApp is the most & cacute; e used tools for communication.
The encryption from the end to the end of which the WhatsApp provides the play of your role, with respect to confidentiality and high role in football. The encryption ensures that messages and calls remain private between the participants of the communication, which means no one else, & ccaron or whats or whatsapp, may not be able to obey, obey or divide them.
WhatsApp is a hit in football
The platform that operates via WhatsAppa allows users to feel as if sending messages to scout or analyze & cacaron; the data on the path of the Ku & Cacute; i.
– It is amazing how WhatsApp works in football, Ve & Cacute; other people use nothing else. From the very beginning, we realized that we had to send a report & cacute match in PDF format via Whatsapp. It is a & ccaron at which coaches & zcaron is to communicate, and this is true of almost all clubs, from Manchester United to the smallest clubs in the world. WhatsApp message from the report & cacute; em is what people use – Ka & zcaron.
– We quickly realized that these were not just coaches, but cacute; and club presidents. The more people in football do not sit at a laptop because they are talking to people on the stadium on the stadium. So we had to have a solution that communicates directly with these people.
Recent reports, indicate transformational in & caron; an AI who could jeopardize the future of traditional scouting, causing & cacute; and fear of losing work in many.
Although algorithms cannot replace the skills needed to assess the subjective, qualitative attributes of the game & CCaron, the question of HO & CACUTE is asked; e Li and replace the analysis.
– There are shades, but we have seen that many clubs have recently employed one or two analytical & ccaron data and said: ‘Let’s go to the scientific & cacute; on the data and see Mo & Zcaron; do we solve everything. These people will be happy to work & cacute; and in football, but if another company that may be able to build a tool that & cacute will perform data analysis in football, it may be a big risk for them. Much of their job can be long -term tasks such as in & zcaron data or data creating data pipelines, which is not easy – Ka & zcaron.
– Now, much of this job can be replaced by these AI systems, where you can enter all the information and send them directly to the decision maker. So the club president or sports director may have the same access to information. ”
Technology is not all though
Although these platforms can analyze and present detailed information, caution is required when considering whether such technologies can replace human analytics & ccaron.
Anality & CCaron; Ari is proving their value through “soft skills”, assessing & cacute; and the advantages and weaknesses of the specific analyzes to bring convenience.
– There are many limits for the scouting department why they are determined by the play and do not consider, but now suddenly the club’s president has 60,000 options from the data using & Cacute; and such platforms, so you have to achieve & cacute; and a real equilibrium & zcaron; It is still your zcaron to have analytical & ccaron data in a club that may offer that experience or equilibrium; u. It’s not just that you can remove the machine in & Ccaron from the shelf, ve & cacute; You can interpret these models and see their limits, and the skills of & cacute will become much of a much va & zcaron;
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