Kay Bernstein: His wife Eileen Bernstein-Rose called the emergency services  Sports

The sudden death of HerthaPresident Kay Bernstein (†43) shocked the football world!

On Tuesday morning, Bernstein died in his home in Hoppegarten (Märkisch-Oderland), just east of the Berlin city limits. According to BILD information, he went to bed around 11 p.m. on Monday and simply didn’t wake up on Tuesday morning…

His wife Eileen called the emergency services in the morning – but no one could help. Eileen later brought the tragic news to Hertha and informed Bernstein’s close friend Colin Jahn, who like Bernstein comes from the curve and is now marketing director, about the terrible news.

Bernstein and Eileen have been married since 2023 and have a daughter together. The Hertha boss had another, older daughter from a previous relationship. She is said to have turned 13 yesterday.

Eileen occasionally visited Bernstein in the stands of the Olympic Stadium. But especially outside of Hertha, she had his back.

Bernstein-Rose is an event manager and authorized representative. Since he took care of the club on a daily basis, she ran the joint marketing agency “Team Bernstein GmbH”.

Now she is going through what is probably the hardest time of her life.

In a statement on Tuesday morning, the second division team wrote: “The entire club, its committees and employees are stunned and deeply dismayed. The Hertha family mourns with Kay’s survivors and their thoughts are with his family, friends and companions during this difficult time.”

In honor of the late President The Olympic Stadium lit up in the club colors on Tuesday evening. Fans visited the office, laid wreaths and lit candles in memory of Bernstein. Clubs and officials from all over the world expressed their condolences.

How the Hertha boss died is still completely unclear!

A spokeswoman for the Potsdam police confirmed to BILD that the doctors had not certified a natural death. The “Tagesspiegel” first reported about it.

The speaker: “ A death investigation has been initiated. It is routinely conducted by the criminal police in Strausberg.”

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