Four world titles possible: Nina Meinke (30) wants to make boxing history |  Regional

Berlin – She wants to fight her way through just like the men: Nina Meinke (30) from Berlin-Spandau could make history in Puerto Rico on March 2nd. Because then she becomes the first German boxer to get into the ring for twelve times three minutes and wants to bring four world championship titles to Berlin!

“When I received the request from Amanda Serrano, I didn’t think twice,” says Meinke. Actually, women only box twelve times for two minutes.

“We are not weaker than men, we are just as tough. In football, women also have the same playing time as men. Why is it only different in boxing?” said the 30-year-old.

Her hope: She could win the fight against the Puerto Rican boxing champion in this very third minute! Because: “My opponents often escape into the ring break after two minutes,” says the boxer.

In preparation, she trains twice a day – a total of around four hours. She even skipped the banquet and family time at Christmas and New Year’s Eve completely.

But that could be worth it. Ex-professional boxer Regina Halmich (47), who is commenting on the fight on DAZN, says to BILD: “It will be the fight of her life. Everything is possible. Of course it will be difficult, but the most important thing is that Nina has the killer instinct and believes in herself. That she has no doubts about herself when she steps into the ring.”

Before the fight in the featherweight class, the Spandau native still has seven weeks of training camp in Puerto Rico.

Meinke: “Two days after the fight is my 31st birthday. Then I’ll hopefully have given myself the greatest gift, and Christmas and New Year will be celebrated right away.”

By Editor

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