Regional football league: Kickers Offenbach goes for association bosses!

What a posse about the fourth division game of Offenbacher Kickers at Bahlinger SC.

First they weren’t allowed to play, then they had to – and finally the weather gods made sure that the game on Saturday was canceled after all.

Because of numerous corona cases, the Offenbach health department had banned the OFC from any meeting of the team. The bosses of the Regionalliga Südwest didn’t care.

Since enough healthy players were available, the association determined that the game had to be played in Bahlingen. It was only on the day of the match that the decision was made to cancel it – because the snowfall made the field unplayable from Friday to Saturday…

Kickers managing director Thomas Sobotzik (47) pissed off: “The association forced us to come. Frank Thum, the association’s legal counsel, found the legal sophistry that the order does not apply outside of Offenbach. The association doesn’t care how the players are doing. He soiled the great popular sport of football.”

Since the game was canceled, the OFC waived further appeals against the association.

And what’s next?

On Wednesday (7 p.m.) the Kickers have to play against TSG Balingen. Sobotzik: “We will test everyone again on Monday. Then we’ll see how it looks on Wednesday.”

The game of FSV Frankfurt Tuesday (7 p.m.) against Steinbach is still in the stars because of the Corona cases in Bornheim. Sports director Thomas Brendel (45): “We have to wait and see how the test turns out on Monday. We still have the goalkeeper problem (all keepers have Corona, ed.).”

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