Emma Raducanu: Parents forbade boyfriends – Sports

Raducanu came to the attention of the tennis world by winning the US Open in 2021.

British tennis star Emma Raducanu tells In an interview with the Times about her parents’ blunt approach to boyfriends in her teenage years.

According to Raducanu, tennis came before dating and friendships in the parents’ thinking model.

“My parents were very strongly against boyfriends because it interfered with training. When I was younger, I wasn’t even allowed to hang out with other girls. I was often very bitter. But at the same time it made me confident and I was comfortable in my own circumstances, which is a big strength,” says Raducanu.

According to Raducanu, the parents’ line was oppressive. Nowadays, they have learned that the harder they try to instruct their child, the stronger backlash and resistance they face.

“They know that the wisest thing is to try not to pressure them with their own opinions. You have to try to make me think that the ideas are my own. We are three very stubborn people.”

Raducano21, says she is now comfortable with her parents’ methods.

Raducanu’s mother is Chinese and her father is Romanian. He says that his parents had to live through difficult times, and that’s why self-pity is not part of the family’s business model.

“I’ve played against a lot of great people as a junior. They often had kinder parents who said it’s okay to lose. They don’t play tennis anymore, so I don’t blame my parents for anything. When I was younger, however, I could have done without the two-hour car journeys after the tournament and listening to the bullshit about everything.”

Emma Raducanu sensationally rose to the top of the tennis world when she won the US Open at just 18 years old in 2021. The following summer, she was ranked tenth in the world in singles.

Since then, injuries have disrupted the career, and Raducanu is currently ranked 212 in the world.

From the next French Open tennis tournament, Raducanu withdrew before the qualifiers because he wants to focus on grass tournaments.

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