Men's Basketball League: Seagulls for silver, BC Nokia won the championship – Sports

The men’s Korisliiga championship was decided on Friday in Helsinki.

BC Nokia has won the men’s Korisliiga championship. The championship was decided when Nokia beat the Helsinki Seagulls 76–75 in the decisive final match on Friday. The match was played in the Töölö race hall.

Nokia won the championship 4–3.

The Seagulls led the decisive seventh final game by nine points after two quarters and by six points as the final quarter began.

In the final quarter, Nokia came by and seemed to tear the already decisive gap. However, the Seagulls leveled with less than ten seconds to go.

Nokia’s victory was decided in the last seconds, when the visitors were awarded three free throws. One of them went in, and the Seagulls didn’t have time to equalize.

The championship was Nokia’s first in club history.



Masters in a group photo.



BC Nokia’s players celebrated the championship on Friday in Helsinki.



Nokia fans enjoy the atmosphere in the guest hall as well,



The final event ended with the traditional sock cutting.

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