Football, Kings League Italia is born, Totti makes his debut at the 'World Cup'

Francesco Totti made his debut at the Kings World Cup underway in Mexico, il world championship of the new 7-a-side football championship which brings together active players, old glories and complete strangers. The former Roma captain beat with his team Stallions for 3 to 2 the Colombians of Medallo City thanks to Blur’s goal from the penalty spot and the goal that was worth double by Michele Trombetta, player of the Emilian team Corticella which plays in Serie D. Totti was the great protagonist of the evening, even if he missed a penalty by slipping at the moment of the serve, and his team is close to securing the passage to the second phase.

A few hours earlier he had arrived there official announcement of the birth of the Kings League Italia, the third after the Spanish and American ones. The president and streamer Blur was present with the former Barcelona defender Gerard Pique’ and the former Mexican midfielder Miguel Layun, among the founders of the League. The Kings League is all about entertainment with rules voted directly by the public as the Var on call, il water polo style kick-off (two players compete for the ball by running towards the center of the pitch), unlimited substitutions and wild cards to be drawn before the match to obtain some benefits such as double the values ​​of the goals scored at certain moments of the match.


Active players participating in the Kings Cip include ‘Chicharito Hernandez,and old glories like Iker Casillas and Ronaldinho. There is also a Queens League, the women’s equivalent of the tournament. Registrations for the draft for the official start of the Kings League Italia are already open on In a country that loves football like few others and with a powerful ecosystem of streamers and creators, the birth of the competition is a guarantee of success. The Kings League was born in January 2023 with the desire to combine football with the best entertainment, taking inspiration from other sports and adding video game rules to make the competition more fun and exciting than ever.

In February 2024 it was the turn of the Americas Kings League Santander, which saw the model exported to the other side of the ocean, thus demonstrating the global potential of the project. Initiative then consolidated with the current Kings World Cup in Mexico and the inauguration of this new league. This is just one of the first steps that will lead to expansion into many other countries in the near future. The Kings League, organized by Kosmos and led by Gerard Pique’, recently announced the closing of a €60 million financing round to accelerate the expansion of the Kings phenomenon globally.

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