If Markku Kanerva continues as head coach, his team needs new blood – Sports

Markku Kanerva is still a viable option for the leadership of Pallloiito.

Finland the men’s national soccer team is in a strange state of uncertainty for the first time in seven years.

With the Huahkaji head coach Markku in Kanerva the contract continues until the end of the year, but at the same time, the management of Pallloliitto is considering a solution to the head coach situation for the summer.

The heather wash can end in the summer or be extended for a year.

Huuhkajat will go to Portugal on June 4 and Scotland on June 7 in an exceptional situation. They would be great preparatory matches if Finland had made it to the EC tournament. Now they are matches dictated by necessity.

In the football league the chairman plays a key role in solving the head coach question Ari Lahti and sports director Aki Hyryläinen. They decide what Huuhkajat, who lived a long boom, needs.

We should get back to success, but the decision-makers know how difficult it is for Finland to progress to the 2026 World Cup tournament. Isku’s place is in the 2027 European Championship qualifiers.

Lahti has said in an interview with STT that they are looking for a solution for the autumn Nations League with the same head coach as in the World Cup qualifiers.

Screamers for the years 2018-2023, an analysis has been made in Pallloliito, which has not yet been published. According to the editorial information, the management of the Football Association has paid attention to at least a couple of pain points.

Finland has not created enough goal chances and in special situations Finland has been too bad.

According to sources, Kanerva is still a viable option for decision-makers. But it is likely that Kanerva will be required to change. He needs power in the attacking game.

Worked as Kanerva’s assistant coach Toni Korkeakunnas moved to HJK’s head coach and will no longer continue in Huuhkaj. It was not a good situation that last fall he was both HJK’s head coach and Huuhkajie’s assistant coach.

There will be at least one change in the Huhkajie background group.

If the management of Pallloiitto has done a careful job, it has also consulted the players. According to the editorial information, not all players in Huuhkaj have been satisfied with the quality of coaching.

If Kanerva gets a one-year contract extension, his coaching team needs to bring new blood. At the same time, Kanerva should perhaps take on more of a Manager’s role, and give more responsibility to other coaches.

By Editor

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