For Gnistan, the scarcity of tickets became a selling point: “The bomb barometer is at a standstill” – Sports

Gnistan will set a new audience record on Wednesday, which will not be surpassed in Oulunkylä in the rest of the season.

In the betting league we live in a special season when matches have been sold out at least in Tampere and Helsinki and some match tickets have become downright coveted.

Scarcity is now a selling point for Gnistan. The second local match of the season in Helsinki between Gnistan and HJK has been sold out for some time.

“We are still looking at how many people we can fit in the VIP facilities. The bomb barometer is on the pin. That’s how you know how the match is going, the more people buy tickets. If it was very true in Pallloliito, it is also true for us. The need is much more than what we are able to sell or give tickets to people”, CEO of Gnistan oy Ilkka Vanala told the day before the match.

“Everything is ready for the match. The grandstands were built last week. Security arrangements and arrangements related to the movement of people still have to be made on Wednesday morning”,

The grandstands thanks to this, the audience capacity of the local match increases to 3,000–3,100 spectators. Gnistan will set its new audience record on Wednesday.

500 seats have been reserved and sold for HJK supporters, which are located in the sun deck. The number of stewards has been doubled for this match.

“In the past, our capacity has lived up to the way we have taken people to stand on the sandy field. Now there is no room for maneuver.”

Wednesday’s after the match, the Oulunkylä stadium’s audience capacity drops to around 2,500 spectators. The end stands rented for the local match will go to other events after Wednesday.

According to Vanala, it would not necessarily have been possible to get grandstands for the entire rest of the season, because rental grandstands are also in demand at other events.

“HJK supporters bring their own color. When we get the ends full of people, we will definitely have a great event”, says Vanala.

“That’s why we set out to do the expansion. It’s not a lottery win for us in terms of sales.”

Vanala hopes that the spectators will come on time on Wednesday. The gates open half an hour before the match. A new gate has been opened on the north side of Aurinkokatsomo.

Gnistan–HJK will be played at Oulunkylä football stadium on Wednesday at 19:00. will show the match.

By Editor

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