Paris 2024: Palestine present at the Games, three athletes already qualified

Palestine will participate in the Paris 2024 Olympics. Three athletes have already qualified but the contingent could also double based on the relocations in the various sports which will be defined in the coming weeks by the International Olympic Committee. For the Palestinian Olympic Committee, ‘PLE’ the IOC acronym, it will be the eighth consecutive presence at the Summer Olympic Games: the first was in Atlanta ’96. In men’s skeet there will be 49-year-old Jorge Antonio Salhe, in taekwondo Omar Yaser Ismail (58 kg) and in equestrian dressage there is a quota. The president of the Palestinian Olympic Committee, Jibril Rajoub, who visited the president of the IOC, Thomas Bach in Lausanne in April, hopes “that the Paris Olympic Games will bring more attention to the war in Gaza and the Israeli occupation of the West Bank”. According to Rajoub “Palestine will have a minimum of 6-8 athletes, three of whom will probably be from Gaza.” Rajoub also said that since the conflict began in 2023, more than 300 athletes, referees and sports officials have been killed and all sports facilities in Gaza have been demolished, adding that restrictions on movement and travel difficulties make it difficult for people to move around. Palestinian athletes abroad. In recent months, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya and Egypt have supported Palestinian athletes by allowing them to train. At the FIFA congress in May, Rajoub, who is also number one in Palestinian football, had asked for immediate suspension from FIFA.

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